12:58 PM

Ok I’ll Admit It

I’m a little absentminded, easily distracted perhaps. Whatever you want to call it, it boils down to I misplace a lot of things. So I'm working on a line of products for my shop to help me and the other absentminded knitters out there. Surely I'm not the only one, right?


The first products I am adding to the shop  are “Leashed" Scissors. Scissors with a chain on them so you can secure them to your work in progress bag. I love them because I have about 20 pairs of scissors in this house and I can never find even one set when I need them. Here are some pictures of the pairs I will be listed today.






I’ve almost perfected my glasses holder, I’m not a fan of the traditional lanyard.  After that I’m making something to hold my stitch markers and then something for needles.  Then perhaps I can not have to spend the majority of my time looking for my tools.


If you have a suggestion, send it to me.  If you want a “Leashed” pair of Scissors of your own visit my shop.