4:41 PM

Spring is Coming (I Hope) and the Creative Juices are Flowing

I am still working on coming up with a pattern for my dainty hands.  I'm swatching right now.  Have I mentioned I detest swatching?  Well, I do.  I have to keep telling myself it's necessary. But I hope to have a pattern available within a week or so.  Depends on how much of a kick in the pants I give myself.

It also depends on how the other project brewing in my brain goes.  Its a bag that was inspired by two things, the KnitFit bag by Bethany McRae and the Odyssey by Homer, more specifically the tale of Odysseus and the Bag of Winds.  In this chapter Odysseus is given a bag of winds from Aeolus, the god of the winds.  So I have a cute little cabled bag in mind.  There's a good chance that the bag will be done before the fingerless mittens, we shall see. 

I also have to get pictures up from Shearing Day and also from the ones I found of Farm Day last year.  Some pictures of my fleece, wool, and homespun are laying around too.

Dates to remember:
May 2, Open Farm Day at Rising Meadow Farm in Liberty, NC
October 3 Farm Fest at Rising Meadow Farm in Liberty, NC
October 22-24, Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair at the WNC Ag Center in Fletcher, NC